Ok folks bring it in and take a knee. Its time for a little rogue history lesson about an Army cultural icon. Someone show the cherry what the dying cockroach is and help him get started. In our branch we wear what are called skill tabs that show qualifications as we progress through our careers. Tabs that you can earn are Airborne, Sapper, Ranger, and Special Forces. I won't even get into all the morale tabs flying around overseas these days.

When you get at least three we call it the tower of power or triple canopy. Mostly because for the most part in the world of skill tabs Sapper is the youngest brother. So to allow you to do the equivilant we bring you event tabs. Now you don't have to decide which events patch to wear and you can just tab out like all the cool kids. What are your questions? Someone get the cherry an IV he looks thirsty and you all need the practice. Ill be picking up the keys to the drop zone so see you Monday for PT.