So, You Keep Getting Hacked?

So, You Keep Getting Hacked?

June 01, 2020 2613 Comments

Which one was it this time?  Your Instagram?  Snap Chat?  Gmail?  Bank accounts?  Let me guess, you recently received notice that <insert brand here> had a little mishap and some data may have been compromised?  Or, your data got stolen during the OPM hack.  Or the Equifax hack.  Or the Yahoo hack.  Whatever it is, somehow, somewhere, your information was stolen.  P.S. if you want a really good listen to what hackers can do, listen to this episode from the podcast /Reply-All/. 

But you say, I was using two-factor authentication!  I promise.  That’s great, it really is, but unfortunately in today’s world, that doesn’t mean you’re safe anymore.  I’ll talk about that in a bit. 

Maybe you’re just sharing too much information on social media. 

Maybe the hacker got lucky.  Probably not. 

So let’s talk through a few different areas where I see people making mistakes. 

Scenario 1

Girl on Instagram (not naming names here) posts on her Instagram stories that two of her accounts got hacked.  She goes on t1o say that many of her accounts all had some variation of the same password and she has no idea how she got hacked.  I didn’t ask her what that password was, nor did she share that information (smart), but I spent some time going back and forth with her, giving her tips of what to do. 

The thing is, this is more common than it should be, but it seems like most people are too worried or nervous to talk about it, same as in the commercial world (think about all these big box stores or companies that take months if not longer to come out about a compromise).  How do we change this?  Well one, it’s not a death sentence if you’re hacked, and two, it’s not something you should be embarrassed about.  Hackers are getting better, and we’re all sharing more information on the internet than ever before. 

If you’re an influencer or are aspiring to be an influencer, you’re probably posting a lot.  Well, what are you posting about?  Pictures of where you live?  Places you frequent?  Your family?  Throwbacks from high school?  Embarrassing stories?  Now take a second to think about how compiling all that information could paint a pretty substantial file on you.  Look through the last few weeks or month of your Instagram posts and stories, your blog posts, your Facebook.. Now think about it from an outsider’s point of view.  If you were someone else looking into your life from the outside, what kind of story are you telling?  Do your pictures have any sensitive information (address, delivery boxes, favorite coffee shops, and don’t laugh, I’ve seen it all)?  You might ask how your favorite coffee shop could be considered sensitive.  Well, if you go there every Saturday morning at 11am, and then again every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm, you’re setting a pattern for yourself.  All I have to do is set up shop an hour before you get there and look busy.  Then I can use a multitude of tools in an attempt to hi-jack your information, or I could just strike up a conversation with you based on the information I already have.  You say you don’t talk to strangers?  Well what if I know your favorite obscure band or sports team and I happen to have that shirt on?  You’re probably going to be more inclined to at least have a short conversation with me now aren’t you? 

Scenario 2

Now let’s think about those security questions we’ve answered again and again when we set up an account so if we lose our password we can still get in.  What city were you born in?  What was your first pet’s name?  What was your first car?  What is your mother’s maiden name?  What is your paternal grandfather’s first name?  What is your best friends first name?  What is your favorite color?  What is your favorite food?

Now remember when the quarantine started and everyone was posting quizzes on Facebook and Instagram?  Let’s take a second and think about what kind of questions they were asking. 

I’ll give you a couple minutes.

Now what kind of information are we seeing here?  They are a lot of the same questions, aren’t they?

How many times did you see something like this go around? Well, I’m glad that at least went somewhat viral because it’s true.  Yes, of course that isn’t a real quiz, they’re just making light of the fact many of these quizzes are indeed allowing the bad guy to learn a lot of information about you. 

I’ve talked a little about phishing and social engineering, both here and on the podcast, but it’s worth repeating.  People share a lot of information about themselves on the internet.  We all have a desire to be liked, to be respected, to fit in.  Social media makes that a lot easier, but it also raises the risk of what information people can use when they are targeting someone or something.  You can change your privacy settings to avoid public posts, but what happens when you get a new friend request from an attractive individual you may or may not have met at the bar last weekend?  Do you blindly accept it?  This is another way that attackers are able to bypass the “friends only” settings.  Again, we all want to be liked and to have friends.  It’s not a bad thing, as long as we recognize it as a potential bias or flaw at times. 

Scenario 3

Sometimes I join random groups on Facebook so I can get an idea of what the non-tech world is doing. Sometime last week someone posted this in one of those groups:

My first reaction was confusion, then a little bit of shock, then a lot more confusion.  Maybe it’s a generational thing, but then again I’m not that old and I still can’t get behind TikTok either.  Or maybe I’m just paranoid because I work in cybersecurity. 

By the end of the day I think there were over 100 comments on this, many of them showing pictures that they’ve airdropped to strangers in Target, or have received themselves, waiting in line at the grocery store or walking through the airport.  What?!  Airdrop is really handy at times, I get it.  I’ve used it a handful of times, but my airdrop is usually turned off, and when it’s on, I have it so only contacts can send to me.  I also don’t have many contacts, so it might as well be off 😉

I then did a quick google search of airdrop attacks, I’m talking two minutes total here.  There’s this one from December 2019 where hackers can block iPhones and iPads via Airdrop attacks.  There was this one in August of 2019 that would show your phone number and passwords to malicious third parties.  Oh and don’t forget, you can also hide malware inside images using an old technique known as steganography

Can we see why hacking might be occurring more and more? 

Here’s an experiment, influencer or not.  Look back at the last few months of your posts across your most used social media outlet.  Or even better, look back to your first Facebook or Instagram pictures and posts.  What kind of information are you finding? 

How about some potential good news.  In 2016, Norton released a report where they surveyed 21,000 people in 21 countries.  According to this report, 76% reported sharing passwords and engaging in risky behaviors despite knowing they need to actively protect themselves; 44% said they felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information they’re responsible to safeguard (raises hand, guilty); and 35% have at least one unprotected device.  Does it get better with the more recent 2019 report?  Depends on how you define this word “better”.  A little over 10,000 individuals from 10 countries were polled, with 66% saying they have chosen not to download an app or use a service based on its privacy policy (good!); 84% reporting taking at least one step to protect their online activities; 60% saying it is impossible to protect their privacy or that it is too late to do so because their information is already out there; and 66% that are worried their identity will be stolen. 

There’s still a lot to do, we are seeing a little progress between 2016 and now, but we can see there is still a lot of fear out there.  The 84% that reported taking steps to protecting their online activities is huge, but it was also reported that these were very basic activities such as clearing cookies or limiting information shared online, not using VPNs, using anonymous payment methods, or even going so far as to delete social media accounts.  Progress is progress though.  Little by little I hope people will start to see they don’t have to lock down their entire lives, but they can take steps to make it more secure at least. 

Do you want help in securing things?  Let me know, I can try and help out.

100 Responses

Henry Derick
Henry Derick

June 21, 2023

I harbored my reservations since I was afraid of falling victim to internet fraud once more, but FAYED HACKER Recovery altered my outlook and convinced me that I can buy a house again because I lost the money I was to buy a house to BTC thieves. They performed an excellent job of assisting me in getting my misplaced Bitcoin refunded. They used astounding technical skills to restore my missing Bitcoin. If you are struggling with recovering your lost bitcoins, I firmly advise you to use the service of FAYED HACKER Recovery. I absolutely adore that they were able to complete the recuperation in just 3 days, and I’m extremely happy with that. Use the direct contact details shown below to get in touch with FAYED HACKER Recovery without hesitation. (fayedhack @

Joshua Kelly
Joshua Kelly

June 21, 2023

I noticed that my wallet has been compromised after I noticed a withdrawal of $700k worth of bitcoin was made and was not made by me , I was so curious to know what happened and retrieve my bitcoin back ,it happened that my wallet phrase was stolen but still can’t explain how it all happened so quick .. I quickly reached out to one of my colleague at work who also invests in crypto currency , he then gave me a contact who helped him back then when he was in the same situation as me , I reached out to COREASSETINC@ GMAIL .COM , and after explaining everything to him , he assured me he was going to retrieve it all back and he kept to his words , within a space of 1 weeks he pulled it off , I never thought this was even possible at first but with COREASSETINC @ GMAIL .COM I believe nothing hack related is impossible .

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Corner Landus
Corner Landus

June 21, 2023


If you’ve been tricked, there might not be much you can do to make things right. The only option available to you is to contact a recovery business. I am aware of many trustworthy recovery companies, but WIZARD LARRY HACKER is my top choice because of how quickly they helped me get back my lost bitcoins that I had put in with a careless broker. Speak with WIZARD LARRY HACKER There will undoubtedly be action taken to help you find your lost cryptocurrency as well. They provide top agents who are expertly qualified and trained in helping you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I fervently support this healing organization based on my own observations.
(+4 366-493-1183-78 WhatsApp)

Alisha Lee
Alisha Lee

June 20, 2023

Coder Cyber Services is coming with premium solutions for lost crypto recovery on a single dedicated platform. New generation investors now have it easier thanks to cryptocurrency futures trading, but with so many unscrupulous and fraudulent brokers popping up, it’s effortless to choose the wrong one when making investments. With the aid of this specialized tool from Coder Cyber Services,you can also gain the recovery of your lost cryptocurrency because their trade indications are so precise, you can utilize their technical signals to recover your lost cryptocurrency. Contact Coder Cyber Services immediately in order to get your stolen money back as soon as possible if you have been a victim of theft.
WhatsApp: +1 (403) 407-3407.

Raya Mac
Raya Mac

June 20, 2023

Transparency is the key in business and human dealings, i got Albert Gonzalez Wizard, on here thinking that he was one of these fakers but to my surprise he turned out to be the realest i have ever met, i hired him for two different jobs restoration of my BTC i sent to fake investment company and monitering accress to see what my boyfriend is doing on his Whatassp and he did both perfectly. If you are still contacting unethical and fake hackers then you will be a clown after seeing me drop this comment about a true hacker..His contact informations is Email: or / WhatsApp: 31685248506 Telegram:  31685248506… Goodbye……

Aria Grayson
Aria Grayson

June 20, 2023

I lost about $585,000.00 USD to a fake cryptocurrency trading platform a few weeks back after I got lured into the trading platform with the intent of earning a 15% profit daily trading on the platform. It was a hell of a time for me as I could hardly pay my bills and got me ruined financially. I had to confide in a close friend of mine who then introduced me to this crypto recovery team with the best recovery Albert Gonzalez Wizard i contacted them and they were able to completely recover my stolen digital assets with ease. Their service was superb, and my problems were solved in swift action, It only took them 48 hours to investigate and track down those scammers and my funds were returned to me. I strongly recommend this team to anyone going through a similar situation with their investment or fund theft to look up this team for the best appropriate solution to avoid losing huge funds to these scammers. Send complaint to Email: or / WhatsApp: 31685248506 Telegram:  31685248506

James Chanot
James Chanot

June 20, 2023

In my pursuit for solutions to get back my funds, I contacted the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. after reading so many positive reviews about the Team , naturally am a risk taker but my friends !? I can’t say the same so when I first told them they weren’t buying it .. just being extra cautious after the whole situation that’s been going on with the company but that wasn’t going to stop me .. I was willing to do anything so I contacted the JETHACKS CENTRE INC using the contact details I found online
My funds have been trapped in a foreign crypto investment company , I wrote to them on Email and the rest became history . Now my friends believe in me they’ve seen the achievements and the excellent work of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. and how he restored the funds we almost thought we lost , they have reached out to The Team and had their funds recovered as well .. you can recover your funds as well , just reach out to the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. on any of the above contact .

Randall Crawford
Randall Crawford

June 19, 2023

It is highly disconcerting to lose your Bitcoin (BTC) to a phony online investment platform, transfer your cryptocurrency to the incorrect wallet, or forget the password to your wallet. Thankfully, I read an article on Wizard web recovery after becoming a victim of crypto theft. Their evaluations were incredibly positive and trustworthy. Wizard Web Recovery is a certified expert in digital currencies that helps victims of fraud to recoup their losses. In under 24 working hours, Wizard Web Recovery miraculously recovered my wallet and all of my Bitcoins. To everyone who needs their service, Wizard Web Recovery is professional and highly recommended. Contact Wizard Web Recovery is possible at:, Remain Blessed and be updated, don’t make the same mistake as I did.

Kyle Bell
Kyle Bell

June 19, 2023

All thanks to the humble and expert hacker at COREASSETINC @ GMAIL .COM , Last 3 months I contacted the company for a job , after I read several reviews about them . I even reached out to one of their clients who had worked with them in the past just to verify how genuine they are before I could proceed with the work at hand with them , they were able to retrieve back my 600k worth of BTC that was stolen from my wallet when my email and computer was attacked and my wallet phrase was there as well when I tried working investing with a Russian based investment company , not knowing they were fake and never existed , he got the job done within 3 weeks after I contacted their team … here is their contact address

Elton Jaderson
Elton Jaderson

June 19, 2023

I’m just a man living in world that restricts and interferes with my ambition,but still I know how to get my mind around it . I made my way into crypto trading and investment back in 2015 , I had gotten the wind about Bitcoin earlier through a friend on who we both ventured into it together so fast forward to 2021 . We both had accumulated some amount of Bitcoin over the years when he brought the idea of investing into a crypto company I was skeptical at first but yeah he’s the front runner in the crypto space so since he guaranteed the safety and stability of the company , I said let’s do it … i invested over 95 % of what I had accumulated over the years in the space of 7 months , I got paid at the early stages so I decided to invest my everything there so they could be making me money instead of just sitting there in my wallet, well things got soar on the 7th month, I needed some cash for something and withdrawal request was going sideways even my friend tried to withdraw and same thing happened we both realized the company was trying to rip us off so we looked for solutions online and we found the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. , this company of Excellent hackers has successfully been tracing and retrieving stolen funds for individuals for years they are the best in the field ! I am really grateful to the company for saving i and my friend . The experience has taught me a very good lesson and am just very happy that I got my happy ending . the contacts are below

Javi Allardyce
Javi Allardyce

June 18, 2023

I’m the type to never back down from what I want , I go for it and that’s how I been staying true to myself . I had my own share of the deceit and lies in the hands of these fraud investment companies that promise you high returns in investment only to take your money at the end and never pay a dime to the investors. I never even got to the stage of paying withdrawals fees none of that , I was straight out removed from my account , I tried logging in several times but I was denied login , the company stopped replying my messages on email and the girl that Introduced me to the company blocked me on Telegram , I felt so incomplete and empty inside so I reached out to a friend of mine who works in an IT department for a security company for help and he linked me with the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. A Top hacking Team in the field whom their services has been very beneficial to me and my family , I am happy to share today that the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. successfully hacked into the fraud company’s servers and to trace my funds and retrieved to my bank account in on the 3rd day of working with the Team . It really speaks volume to their hacking skills and I recommend them to any person out there who has a similar case and needs helps to recover their funds , here are the contact detail

Nathan Philips
Nathan Philips

June 17, 2023

I got scammed by a crypto investment company this was really a bad experience for me.. the vexatious part of this story is that i got some loan to enable me invest in this platform in order to make some profit. not being aware that i was dealing with some group of con artist, the investors made everything look so real and legitimate in the way that you won’t believe it all scam. it was going well till few weeks ago when i requested for a withdraw, i was instructed to invest more till i reached the withdrawal limit then i can make withdrawal.. i did invested more but when it was time to withdraw they insisted rather kept persuading me to make more investment. i stopped talking to them and started looking for a way to recover my money cause i don’t want them to notice my next plan. then fortunately i came across R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , He puts an amazing smile on my face by getting back my lost funds. how he was able to do this i don’t have the idea but i must say he’s an expert this field. i will keep on recommending your service to anyone i know. you can as well contact him through Telegram: ROOTKITS7

Lance Brighton
Lance Brighton

June 16, 2023

Hey there, I just want to testify of the wonders of a Crypto Recovery Wizard ( ). I was going on the net as always with the little time I get during my lunch break time being a nurse. A pop-up ad came on my screen which then clicked, it was about Cryptocurrency mining and investment schemes. I read through the ad, it was really convincing as I read multiple reviews from people who had benefited massively from this Crypto scheme. I got interested in it, it was fast, easy, and won’t affect my job. My first investment was $2,020.00 BTC which generated a profit of $28,000.00. They always asked me to invest to get to a certain level so I could access my investments till I had invested all I had and was borrowing. I had already invested $ 88,000.00 USDT in total and still wasn’t able to withdraw a penny from my investments or profits. I got bored of everything, told them I am no longer interested, and that’s the last I heard from them. I was really scared as I thought I had lost my money. I was referred by my co-worker to this programmer, his terms for recovering my lost BTC were conducive and I quickly engaged his services to help me retrieve my BTC. This guy retrieved my lost $88,000.00 totaled without any hassle.

Lance Brighton…

George Heney
George Heney

June 16, 2023

If I had to guess, I’d say binary options are more of a play of roulette, especially if your broker determines to make an investment on your behalf. That explains why I lost all of my investments to a ruse firm that claimed to have made investments on my behalf and caused me to lose a significant sum of money. However, in a nutshell, I did some investigation and connected with a hacker group called Wizard web recovery. Because Wizard Web Recovery is genuinely professional in this industry, an investigative process was carried out on the transactions, and within a few working days, I received my money back. You can notify Wizard Web Recovery of your missing Bitcoin, and they will undoubtedly assist you in getting your Bitcoin recovered. They are quite proficient in this profession, much like doctors.

Contact information of Wizard Web Recovery.
Email: (
WhatsApp: +1917-725-3296

By accessing these communication channels, you can reach out to Wizard Web Recovery to help you retrieve your stolen items. They have a team of dedicated professionals who are committed to helping you recover your lost items.

Benjamin Graham
Benjamin Graham

June 16, 2023

Incase you are one of the people looking for means to recover their stolen funds, then I know the best team to help you recover your stolen money or investment of any such, I was once a victim of scam and after so many months, I was able to recover my lost funds through the help and services of COREASSETINC @ GMAIL.COM if you by chance come across this review , I am writing this out of experience, i recovered my lost investment with the team I mentioned above and their result was perfect after seeing all my Lost investment reversed back into my trust wallet , It was really unbelievable to me at first but it’s reality. Can’t really thank COREASSETINC enough for helping me when I was helpless ..

Kayla Wingate
Kayla Wingate

June 16, 2023

so this like my THANK YOU message to THE JETHACK RECOVERY CENTRE INC. for how they handled my case and staying true to their words throughout the whole recovery exercise, that’s truly a very commendable dedication and professionalism from all of the personnel at THE JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM , you guys are truly the best !! . My experience with the fraud company i invested with lasted for 6 months in which I lost everything I had to my name and nearly sent me and my daughter to the streets , yeah it was that bad ! And it was extra hard for a single parent like me and that pushed me to going into crypto investments in a bid to afford better life for me and my daughter so I truly owe the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM a great appreciation for recovering my funds for me and preventing i and my daughter from being homeless . The contact details of the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM are below EMAIL: JETHACKS 7 @ GMAIL . COM TELEGRAM : JETHACKSS I recommend the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. to anyone out there who is looking to recover their funds from the hands of these RIPPERS!!


June 16, 2023


I’m writing to the public to provide knowledge about Recovery Masters. Look no further if you ever demand hacking services, When I lost more than $150,000 USD in bitcoin, individually I found myself in a challenging situation, I was inconsolable and believed I had reached my lowest point, I had no hope of getting my invested money back. All that changed when I discovered Recovery Master and everything was transformed. The company intervened and helped me get all my money back within a short period of time. Their services are well recommended and they ensure maximum satisfaction to their clients. You can contact them via ( or WhatsApp (+14057689081)


June 16, 2023


I’m writing to the public to provide knowledge about Recovery Masters. Look no further if you ever demand hacking services, When I lost more than $150,000 USD in bitcoin, individually I found myself in a challenging situation, I was inconsolable and believed I had reached my lowest point, I had no hope of getting my invested money back. All that changed when I discovered Recovery Master and everything was transformed. The company intervened and helped me get all my money back within a short period of time. Their services are well recommended and they ensure maximum satisfaction to their clients. You can contact them via ( or WhatsApp (+14057689081)

Schanel David
Schanel David

June 16, 2023

I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].

Lavrans Vic
Lavrans Vic

June 16, 2023

TESTIMONY ON RECOVERY OF MY LOST BITCOIN FUNDS : Have you ever being a victim of scam? or have you lost your money to fake brokers online? I implore you to contact this trustworthy hacking service/recovery experts named SPYHOST CYBER SERVICES. I was a victim of fake people posing as binary options and bitcoin investors, I lost a sum of $237,000 to this fake brokers. it took a while before i realized they were scams and this really hurt me and indeed was the biggest mishap of my life. Then an inlaw of mine heard about it and recommended to me a special company in the hacking field. They helped me recover my lost bitcoins in less than 72hrs and the fakes where caught and made to pay for what they did to me . if you have lost any amount to online scams either through online dating scams, btc wallet hack, fake binary investments and you are in need of help Reach out to SPYHOST CYBER SERVICES,and you will be so glad you did so, here is the address through which you can reach them at: SPYHOST@CYBERDUDE. COM

Bailey Mullet
Bailey Mullet

June 15, 2023

I could remember trying to buy a massage gun early this year on alibaba app early this year , the samples I ordered were delivered to me , upon receiving the samples I thought maybe the company is legit since they were able to get me the samples I requested for , then I proceeded to making a large order this time because I want to sell them in retail on Amazon , my total order summed up $118,000 and I paid to them using crypto currency , at first I was skeptical of the mode of payment they provided this time but I didn’t see it as an issue since I received the samples , the goods were supposed to arrive USA in 2-3 weeks but I never got my shipment, I tried reaching out to the company to know what the delay is all about , but I never got a response from them ever again , I then hired a private hacker “ V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ gmail dot com “to trace the money since I have little details about the company, I was lucky enough to have came across this ha*ker , he was able to get my funds back in full within the space of 3 days after I reached out , I’m so glad that I got the funds back because that was actually a loan I took out for my business . I will forever be grateful to the team of hackers for the incredible service rendered .

Lyndsi Hallet
Lyndsi Hallet

June 15, 2023

Shoutout to JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. for the professional work they did in handling my case I am forever grateful to the Team … I have been investing in a binary company based in Brussels for over 8 months and I had accumulated a large amount of profits according to my account on the website .. every single detail about the company looked very legit including the certificates and history but I had no idea they were fakes until I initiated a withdrawal and the company wiped off my balance , i received not even a penny I decided to seek help , I was ready to even work with any authority that could recover my funds and that was how I got to learn of the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. , A very ethical team of underground hackers who could trace, monitor and recover funds lost to fraudulent schemes so I reached out to them on EMAIL: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL. COM and the story changed , my whole funds including the profits was recovered and withdrawn straight to my bank account . You can also contact them on TELEGRAM: JETHACKSS

Schanel David
Schanel David

June 15, 2023

I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].

Hans Brunman
Hans Brunman

June 15, 2023

Hello everyone, I’m Hans Brunman. I’m recommending AstraWeb Cyber security service for all your cryptocurrency and digital assets recovery. I was one of their clients and I was able to recover my funds with their help. Truly, they are the best when it comes to cryptocurrency recovery. I had invested my money into a cryptocurrency trading platform that crashed earlier this month, I contacted Astraweb Cyber Security after coming across their website, and they were able to recover my funds from the crashed platform. If you wish to contact them, you can reach them via the following information.

AstraWeb@Cyberdude. com


WhatsApp: +1 (323 904-8824)

Judy Pym
Judy Pym

June 14, 2023

The rate of cyber crime has risen over the years , there’s so much fraud on the internet ranging from impersonation, blackmail, money scam which the most popular method used has been the Bitcoin investment scam where they lure you with the high ROI % : so you could invest with them after which they never pay you but keeps extorting more nonstop , I speak from experience cos I have already fallen victim to the scam , I met this person on Linkedln around October 2022 and we started talking where he told me all about the Carlyle Acceleration Exchange based in Malaysia ( ) , I invested a total of $305k by December before I started having withdrawal issues too many failed withdrawal attempts and more requests for fees which I couldn’t afford no longer so I had to explore other ways to get back my funds and that led me to get to know about the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. A very credible Recovery team of underground hackers and I vouch for their abilities which I can testify to as my $305k is sitting comfortably in my bank accounts . Plenty of persons out there have fallen prey to these crypto scams so quickly contact THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE on Email: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL .COM or Telegram: JETHACKSS

Evans Pierce
Evans Pierce

June 14, 2023

Glad to have recovered my funds that has been stuck in a trading platform I was investing with , I couldn’t have done this without the aid of “V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M AI L . Com “, I contacted the recovery firm when I noticed something fishy about the website I was with , I didn’t encounter any issues when I was making the deposits to activate my investment ,but when it got to the point of withdrawal that’s where they came with all sorts of excuses why I can’t withdraw my funds. They kept on sending emails that I’m to pay a certain fee before I could withdraw from my account. At first I never wanted to pay anymore fee but the agent who got me involved with them advised me on paying the said fees , saying that it was necessary for me to pay, I heed to his advise and paid the fees , but still nothing . You all should be careful out there , these scammers are becoming more advanced and come up with lots of tricks to lure you into investing with them . But do not panic if you’ve been a victim , quickly contact the best recovery team on the internet on telegram @ VIRTUALHACKNET for help .


June 13, 2023

I’m recommending the safest and most dependable cryptocurrency recovery service that can aid you; it was really helpful for me when I lost access to my wallet in April of this year, which included my 97,000 USD in Bitcoin investment. I read evaluations Craker cyberdude Recovery’s capabilities for Bitcoin recovery on Investopedia as part of my quest for a solution. Craker cyberdude Recovery uses cutting-edge methods to track the criminals who stole my money over email. I’ve been thankful for Craker cyberdude Recovery ability to fix my lost cryptocurrency because they are knowledgeable about various combinations of analytics and fixing approaches. Depending on why your coins were inaccessible, different types of assistance were provided to me; nonetheless, in every situation, having professionals like Craker cyberdude recovery is essential for coin recovery and investment. Many typical bitcoin problems can easily be fixed by using Craker cyberdude Recovery via:

Schanel David
Schanel David

June 13, 2023

I kept wondering how possible it was to raise a score as low as 430 to 800+ until I came in contact with H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me clean up all the bad items in my credit report and raised my score to 805 within a short period of time. That was incredible! I strongly recommend them to anyone having credit-related issues. EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].

Heinrich Schneider
Heinrich Schneider

June 13, 2023

My name ia Heinrich Schneider from Germany,last year i stumbled across a cryptocurrency platform on instagram and I felt compelled to watch them since I had heard so much about how profitable cryptocurrency is. I opted to invest with them after learning that they are investment platform, i decided to give it a trial, because there is no harm in trial,i invested all my life savings, when it was time to withdraw, I was unable to withdraw my capital/profits, i invested more than $75,000. I told my friend about this and he recommended MYSTERIOS HACKER. I gave him all the information he requested regarding my lost money and to my greatest surprise in less than 48 hours i recovered all my lost funds without any upfront payment,I also recommend him if you want to get your cryptocurrency back that was stolen by scammers. email: to recover your lost funds.


June 12, 2023

I want to extend my heartfelt wishes to each individual reading the comments on this platform and express my gratitude to the administrator who established such a vibrant forum for discussion. The information in this letter will have a significant impact on your knowledge if you invest in cryptocurrencies. Please read it carefully. For the previous two years, my family and I have been trading cryptocurrencies legally, but we haven’t suffered a loss as severe as the recent one when our money totalling $910,000 was stolen by a broker who robbed us of our coins. We made every effort to file a report and recover our money by contacting the police department in charge of investigating fraudulent situations, but nothing was successful. We merely wanted the broker to assist us in mining some coins so that the sudden decline or reduction of Bitcoin won’t significantly affect us, but we ultimately fell victim to fraud. I told an acquaintance about it, and she gave me the website of a hacker group, which is how I got in touch with them. SpyWare Cyber and I got along well, and when I told them everything that had happened to make me fall for the scam, they provided me with the assurance that I didn’t need to worry because they will have the money in my wallet within 72 hours as promised. spyware(@)cybergal. com deserves all the credit.

Santos Reyes
Santos Reyes

June 12, 2023

My name is Santos Reyes from Istanbul turkey , I work with a foreign company and I always found international investments very attractive so when I learnt from an acquaintance I met on telegram that I could make a nice profit from crypto investment company’s , no risks at all I quickly registered and was excited about the potential results . I had invested $260k in 4months in accordance with the demands of my contract with the company company I then requested for withdrawal and my account got froze by the company and denied payment so I quickly reached out to the FBI friend of mine who related my case to the best hacking team in the world THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTER INC. Yes they are the best ! For how they recovered my account and pulled out my funds without trace , i worked with them on my case for 3 days and they were professional throughout the whole operation . To contact THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. you can email on : JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL . COM

Recovery Intel
Recovery Intel

June 12, 2023


ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
asorehackcorp@ gmail com

Stay Safe out there !

Wayne Kountry
Wayne Kountry

June 12, 2023

( )
If you suspect Ur Credit card, email & password,Facebook,Instagram,twitter Accounts has been hacked,you need to Recover stolen money from scammers, reports the incident to Santoshi hacker they can help you recover your BTC by providing an experience team of security experts and forensic investigators who can investigate the loss,identify the source of the compromise,Santoshi we help you retrieve your stolen currency, in addition, Santoshi hacker can provide you with educational materials for staying safe online and give you access to cutting_edge cyber threat intelligence.They can also identify potential security breaches or vulnerabilities that may have led to the loss of your information.
above is the email address to reach Santoshi hacker.

Leon Palmer
Leon Palmer

June 11, 2023

Most recovery companies will take your money again. I personally think they are the same set of people that run all of them, seems like an unending cycle and its too sad. The most crazy thing about the whole internet thing is how you can clone a website to make it look like the real one, I discovered so many people fell into this kind of scams. The only recovery company I know that works is Darkrecoveryhacks @ gmail dot com, I have been to their physical address to meet them before and the good thing about them is that they will let you know if they can handle your case or not. So they will not just take your money when they already know they wont help you out.

Cassie Darrel
Cassie Darrel

June 11, 2023

With the intention that you don’t lose your money to shady brokers for a pittance, I need to mention this here. After making an initial investment of roughly $180,000 on a binary option platform, I subsequently chose to withdraw my money, however the withdrawal was unsuccessful. I tried calling and emailing the platform, but I received no response from them, and that’s when things started to seem strange. A few weeks later, they sent me a mail insisting that if I want to withdraw my money, I must invest more money, which I declined. When my hard-earned money vanished, I was absolutely distraught and felt devastated.. After a few months, I discovered numerous online testimonials about how Coder Cyber Services has assisted many people in recouping their stolen, conned, or defrauded funds on bitcoin or any other type of digital currency. As soon as I sent Coder Cyber Services the necessary information, they promised to assist me in getting my money back.The outcome was astounding. Within a few working days, I had all of my stolen money back.I was thrilled because I had no idea that I would get my money back. Coder Cyber Services, you brought back happiness when I saw my money in my wallet. If you have similar issue,
Contact them via: email or whatsapp +1 (407) 403- 3407. Thank you.

Maverick Powell
Maverick Powell

June 11, 2023

I mistakenly sent some business funds to a different wallet address instead of that of my business partner who I was supposed to send the funds to in Bitcoin, a total of £150,000k. I didn’t know how I could get the funds back since the transaction had been completed. I tried everything I could to find a way how I could reverse the funds back to my wallet but it was impossible. I was really devastated until I sent an email to an expert guy who came highly recommended: I started seeing some hope for myself from the moment I sent him an email and we discussed the way he was going to help me retrieve the funds back. I thank God that Recovery Nerd really came through for me. He was able to assist me in getting back a larger portion of the money I lost. I genuinely appreciate all he did to return my money. Anything is possible and thanks to him and this is the least I can do. His mail:


June 10, 2023

I know many thing could have gone wrong this past few days investing online and getting scammed. I was also in your shoes when I invested into a fake binary option where I got scammed of $3000 of BTC but thanks to the help of . They assisted me in recovering back my scammed BTC. I initially didn’t trust them but I was referred by a friend who I trust well. I was able to get my refund within the space of two weeks. Thanks to { }. . Note this is not free

Amanda Kelly
Amanda Kelly

June 10, 2023

Everywhere on the internet is all about cryptocurrency investment, I never had any idea on how it’s done, and also alot of people were into it and earning money while in their homes, i was intrested and made up my mind to invest with the hope of earning money myself. I approached a group of online traders to enlighten me more, and after spending some time with them, I received assistance in making an investment and had to invest and eventually upgraded to the mega scheme, but I was unaware that the company was only reaping me off my finances and that all the reviews I had read were fake until it came to my notice after investing {430,000.00} Usd and haven’t made any intrest in return, i had to stop investing and asked them to atleast let me get some part payment to pay off my mortage, they refused and it became an issues oh how i’ve ended up being fooled by these fake investors. I reported to the police but it wass all untraced because they blocked me on every site. after explaining to my coleague regarding the issue, she introduced me to Mr. Jamesmckaywizard a genius hacker and recovery expert who had once helped her to retrieve some money she had previously lost to some romance scam on facebook. I refused to accept and believe what she said and decided to contact them and supplied all transaction proofs to Mr through email for verification so as to help him proceed, to my surprise he recovered my funds completely and my total profit was all directed to my wallet in a day. My joy was again restored and had hopes on what to survive on and also for my daughter’s savings, they’re also very specialized on all type of mobiles and internet hacking kindly reach out to them now if you’re experiencing same issue on: or via what’sapp // +919863293475..

Natalia Wright
Natalia Wright

June 09, 2023

I recently found myself hiring a Crypto-Recovery programmer. I am more than impressed. I learned more about the tech and cyber world, and that anything is possible with the right programmer. If you have been a victim of Bitcoin or another Cryptocurrency scam, I feel like it’s my duty to link you all with a legit programmer. I started having a lot of issues with an investment company that goes by the name DRIP FX when I tried withdrawing the 307,955 USD I had invested with them. The so-called Bit miners couldn’t provide any help for me to access my funds. I did all investment deposits via various Crypto-Coins which is untraceable but I didn’t give up on retrieving my funds back. Luckily for me with the help of Cyber Genie Comp, I was able to recover my funds. I salute their cyber skills. Ever find yourself requiring the help of a programmer, please contact:
Cybergenie (@) cyberservices. com

Tom Hulio
Tom Hulio

June 09, 2023

I have always thought it would be impossible to recover stolen cryptocurrency funds until I came across SpyWall recovery team, this cryptocurrency recovery team was able to successfully recover my stolen Bitcoin and Ethereum funds.
I was one of the many victims of a crypto scam and I lost my entire family savings trying to double it.
It was a very difficult time for me and my family, I was depressed and gave up hope of ever getting my money back. A few weeks ago, I came across a post while searching for clues on Google on how to recover my cryptocurrency, I saw a recommendation about SpyWall and how they were able to effectively recover cryptocurrency funds for many scam victims. I didn’t hesitate to contact them and provide them with all the information, SpyWall was able to recover my funds within two days. I’m truly grateful for their service and I promised them I would recommend them to others like me.
You can easily reach them via

SpyWall is no doubt the best when it comes to recovering cryptocurrency funds.

John Palaia
John Palaia

June 08, 2023

When I showed the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM the proofs of investments to backup my intuition that I was getting ripped off by the 5CAE.COM investment company I was investing with.. I wasn’t understanding the whole process again , I could tell when something fishy is going so I had to reach out to THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. on TELEGRAM: JETHACKSS .. I had an initial total of $470k on my account with the company which I could not access nor withdraw because they kept demanding for more fees before I could gain access to this money which didn’t sit right with me and am thankful to myself for following my instincts and going out there to find a solution.. JETHACKS TEAM is very competent and were dedicated to my case through out the whole case process, my funds were completely withdrawn straight to my back account within 24 hours after the recovery exercise was launched , very professional Team . To contact them you can also reach out to the Team on EMAIL: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL.COM

Tom Hulio
Tom Hulio

June 08, 2023

I have always thought it would be impossible to recover stolen cryptocurrency funds until I came across SpyWall recovery team, this cryptocurrency recovery team was able to successfully recover my stolen Bitcoin and Ethereum funds.
I was one of the many victims of a crypto scam and I lost my entire family savings trying to double it.
It was a very difficult time for me and my family, I was depressed and gave up hope of ever getting my money back. A few weeks ago, I came across a post while searching for clues on Google on how to recover my cryptocurrency, I saw a recommendation about SpyWall and how they were able to effectively recover cryptocurrency funds for many scam victims. I didn’t hesitate to contact them and provide them with all the information, SpyWall was able to recover my funds within two days. I’m truly grateful for their service and I promised them I would recommend them to others like me.
You can easily reach them via

SpyWall is no doubt the best when it comes to recovering cryptocurrency funds.

Adrian Russell
Adrian Russell

June 07, 2023

Getting to know about The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM actually was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I was mentally broke down after i got scammed by a binary trading platform i invested a woefully large amount of money to this. I put all i had into this Binary Options ($240,000) after hearing great testimonies about this new investment strategy. I was made to believe my investment would be triple, it started good and I got returns but not up to what I had invested. Gathered more and involved a couple family members, but little did i know that i was setting myself up for the kill, in less than no time all we had put ($520,480) was gone. It almost seemed I had set them up, they came at me strong and hard. i tried all my possible best even reached out to the costumer support desk to seek for help but i ended paying and clearing some fees demanded by them but still wasn’t able to perform the withdrawal successfully. After searching and looking for how to make those scums pay back, I got introduced to the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM agency who assisted in recovering back all our funds lost to this platform. i was very happy and really appreciate their efforts and dedication towards my complaints. you can message them for your lost funds/stolen crypto via their email address: R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M
Telegram ; ROOTKITS7

Zainab Abbas
Zainab Abbas

June 07, 2023

The team of hackers at “VIRTUALHACKNET” has really been of great help ever since I lost over $182k to a bitcoin scam website , I was devastated by the outcome of my whole investment journey with them “ fxntrade “. I had worked with Virtualhacknet team for over a week ,tracking down the funds I sent to them since they’ve moved the funds from one exchange to another to avoid any trace, but I’m glad that we finally got them at the end , finally I got back a total of $160k out of $182k which was my main profits that was held in the website. I’m so grateful that this people didn’t get away with this , at least there’s still hope for us who are the victims of such cruelty . I do recommend V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ gmail dot com , this team is definitely the solution to you recovering your funds as well . Here’s their telegram ID @virtualhacknet . Best wishes .

Bergeron Gauthier
Bergeron Gauthier

June 06, 2023

The greatest recovery specialist, like Wizard Web Recovery, is what you need to save you from crypto theft scams. Many scammers have entered the cryptocurrency investment market, where people frequently lose money despite their best efforts, all while promising to make enormous returns. No one is more potent than these terrible plans since these people are clever in their approaches. In order to make you feel comfortable investing your hard-earned money, they frequently offer contract deals with you and place you in a community with people who have already made investments. I invested my money according to their advice, just to find out after a short while that 12 BTC had been taken away from my wallet without my permission. I got upset and wished for retribution. Prior to being introduced to the greatest crypto group, Wizard Web Recovery, I had contacted a number of cryptocurrency recovery agents, all of them were unprofessional. Wizard Web Recovery skill and knowledge in dealing with fund theft helped me recover my money. At a reasonable cost, I received a full refund of all the stolen BTC. The fact that this team is quick, dependable, and an affiliate agency of the GOV, which has granted legitimacy to their work, should convince you to hire them for the job. They’ve handled numerous profitable instances in the past.

As a satisfied customer, I highly recommend Wizard Web Recovery to anyone seeking assistance with lost bitcoin troubles contact them via the info below.
WhatsApp +1-917-725-3296

Recovery Intel
Recovery Intel

June 06, 2023


ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
asorehackcorp@gmail com

Stay Safe out there !

Johnston Spence
Johnston Spence

June 06, 2023

Good morning everyone. I would rather not frighten people, but the increase in online thievery worries me. An investment fraud business that claimed a 100% return in a week conned a relative of mine. Although it is insatiable, everyone could experience it. Instead of being afraid, the first line of protection is to seek help. You can get help, that much is true. In his case, he finished his research and had the good fortune to discover a legitimate hacking group named SPYWARE CYBER. They were able to quickly seize the money from the dishonest business. I had no idea that was possible, but knowledge truly is power, as they say. In an effort to educate others, I’ve made the decision to impart that knowledge to others today. Additionally, you can contact SPYWARECYBERGAL.COM to report about your stolen cryptocurrency.

Much Regards.


June 06, 2023

Hi everyone I am Emily Naomi wanna give a big thanks to this wonderful psychic for bringing my husband back to me… I never really believed in magic spells or anything spiritual but a trusted friend opened my eyes to the truth about life. My marriage was heading to divorce a few months ago. I was so confused and devastated with no clue or help on how to prevent it, till I was introduced to this psychic Priest Ray that did a love spell and broke every spiritual distraction from my marriage. A day later my husband started showing me love and care even better than it used to be, he’s ready to talk things through and find ways for us to stay happy. It’s such a miracle that my marriage can be saved so quickly without stress. You can also contact him for help by email or WhatsApp: +12133525735 and you can also visit his website:

Arnold Hutch
Arnold Hutch

June 06, 2023

This Lady on instagram contacted me mid April , she told me about this investment offer that will benefit me financially, I declined the offer at first but she never gave up still , later on after a week I guess , she came back again and this time I decided to give her a chance at least , I started off the investment with the least investment plan of $500 and grew my profits from there . My first two withdrawals went through without any problems but the rest got stuck in the website , after the first 2 withdrawals I believed they were legit and I could trust them , and with that mindset I invested more at that time (£92k) but I never withdrew a dime after the investment, they kept on requesting for an extra fees/charges like trading fee , transaction fees etc ,which I ended up paying thinking it was normal because I increased my investment , this went on for weeks and nothing good came out of it all , after then I reached out to a private Recovery Firm on telegram @ VIRTUALHACKNET for help , I provided them with all the required documents that I had about the website and the transactions and it really helped out , my profits which summed up at £262k was recovered back to the wallet I provided them with :) . I’m so glad I had worked with this team to achieve this great success. Here’s the direct contact email : V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M A I L dot com .

Harley Lloyd
Harley Lloyd

June 06, 2023

Interesting how days goes by faster these days, it’s been over 7 months now since DARKRECOVERYHACKS Recovery team saved me from depression by Recovering my investment That was seized in an investment platform . There is no doubt that this platform was created just to steal from people using crypto as its means. I was so unlucky to have been one of those people , last year I ended up investing my life savings in this fake website and never got my profits back even after the trade is completed, I was even made to pay some fee to release my money and it didn’t work, I started looking for a means to get my money back and I first reached out to a few Recovery hackers but all of them were not capable enough. I lost hope and was depressed and one day I came across DARKRECOVERYHACKS On Facebook and decided to give them a try and surprisingly I got all my lost savings back. I don’t know what I could have done that very year without the help of the team. They were very responsive throughout the recovery process . Just in case you need them , Emai: Darkrecoveryhacks@ gmail dot com . Telegram ID : DARKRECOVERYHACKS

Recovery Intel
Recovery Intel

June 04, 2023


ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
asorehackcorp@ gmail com

Stay Safe out there !

Isaac Bennett
Isaac Bennett

June 04, 2023

I will advise everyone out there to be careful when investing in cryptocurrencies or Forex trading as this has become the riskiest investment ever. Many people have gone into cryptocurrency investment with little knowledge of how it works and many have been coined by fake cryptocurrency investors. I was a victim of this scam and if it were not for the intervention of DARKRECOVERYHACKS, I wouldn’t have recovered my stolen funds. I wish people did more research before going into cryptocurrency, I lost my hard-earned money to a fake investment company few months back but I was able to recover all my lost funds through the help of Darkrecoveryhacks. This group of professional and experienced hackers was able to recover all my money back. You can contact them to handle your job request Email:
Telegram: @ Darkrecoveryhacks .

Khan Fletcher
Khan Fletcher

June 03, 2023

I don’t think the internet is going to be safe ever again .if I was told that one day I’d be a victim to an online scam I wouldn’t believe it , but here we are today . I lost my entire savings while investing in stock trading . Ever since then I’ve not been at peace with myself , I’ve been with the trading company for just a month and never realised who they really were on time, I was drained mentally after I couldn’t make withdrawals from my account since I upgraded to a higher investment plan . I was asked to pay 5%of my total earnings as a certain legal fee , which was never mentioned in the first place before I got into all of this , I had no option but to pay , since I needed my funds back to pay for my dad’s surgery but but nothing good came out of it still , I made my own personal research on how to get my money back from these scammers before reporting it to the police . My own research turned out good , I came to know of an Asset Recovery Firm on telegram @ Virtualhacknet and email : VIRTUALHACKNET @ GMAIL DOT COM after reading about their great deal of service and experts they have within . They were so helpful and dedicated to their craft . After providing the required details about the whole thing I had with the scammers , they ran a check on their website and traced the funds directly to the final wallet it arrived at , in less than 48 hours after the trace was completed , the money was moved back to my wallet . Ever since I got my money back I swore never to get involved in anything concerning online investment ever again .

Isaac Bennett
Isaac Bennett

June 03, 2023

I will advise everyone out there to be careful when investing in cryptocurrencies or Forex trading as this has become the riskiest investment ever. Many people have gone into cryptocurrency investment with little knowledge of how it works and many have been coined by fake cryptocurrency investors. I was a victim of this scam and if it were not for the intervention of DARKRECOVERYHACKS, I wouldn’t have recovered my stolen funds. I wish people did more research before going into cryptocurrency, I lost my hard-earned money to a fake investment company few months back but I was able to recover all my lost funds through the help of Darkrecoveryhacks. This group of professional and experienced hackers was able to recover all my money back. You can contact them to handle your job request Email:
Telegram: @ Darkrecoveryhacks .


June 03, 2023

Fortunately, I was enabled to connect with Craker cyberdude Recovery, a hacking team that is experienced in recovering cryptocurrency. My son disclosed to me about Craker cyberdude recovery after I lost access to my crypto wallet, which I had been using to save some money on my blockchain wallet but became inaccessible after an extended period. I was under the impression I had lost everything. I was given expert care by this crew, and they were able to assist me in getting my wallet back. I want to take this opportunity to convey my admiration to Craker cyberdude Recovery for their assistance in recovering and restoring my cryptocurrency wallet. Since I am aware that many people have misplaced their bitcoin wallets or sent funds to the incorrect recipient, I urge you to get in touch with Craker cyberdude Recovery right once

Jonathan Anders
Jonathan Anders

June 03, 2023

All of these brokers and account managers should be avoided at all costs. They took over $80,000 of investment capital from me, and they persisted in asking for additional monies before approving and processing my withdrawal request. In the end, I lost all I had invested. The customer service staff had rejected every attempt to contact them. Moving on was quite difficult and devastating for me. Thank heavens I listened to a broadcast that explained how scam victims can use Coder Cyber Services to get their money back. After contacting the provided information for advice, I received a response within a short period of time and was asked to provide all pertinent legal information regarding my investment. I immediately followed their instructions accordingly and to my utter astonishment, successfully got my money back. I declared that I would not keep this information to myself but would instead divulge it to the public in order to help all victims of scams recover their lost money. This is a significant victory over this online scammer. Thank you Codercyberservices(@)execs. com for your excellent work on this.

Nancy Settle
Nancy Settle

June 03, 2023

I had lost all hopes when I was unable to recover my lost Bitcoins until I heard of the amazing services provided by FIXIT101@WORKMAIL.COM . Their team of private specialists have a remarkable expertise in retrieving lost cryptocurrencies and they helped me recover all my Bitcoins which I thought were gone for good. The Fix It Team is simply amazing and I would highly recommend them to anyone facing similar problems. They are definitely a great choice for all your cryptocurrency recovery needs.

Kristina Roy
Kristina Roy

June 03, 2023

It feels really good when you get to recover your lost funds from your scam broker. some challenges of withdrawals we traders are facing today in binary option or in crypto currency is not because binary option or crypto currency is no longer a nice place to invest capitals, but the problem is that there’s a lot of scam brokers all over the world. If you’re facing some challenges of withdrawals or your broker manager is always asking you to make more deposit before you could place a withdrawals from your funds or you traded and lost your funds without any reason i advise you get in touch with ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM on R O O T K I T S 4 @ gmail. com OR Telegram ; ROOTKITS7 and they will guide you on how to get to recover back your funds in any other account platform, they did an excellent one for me and I’m here to share and recommend their professional services to the mass

Beth Carpenter
Beth Carpenter

June 02, 2023

They are all scammers, they will make you pay after which they will give you an excuse asking you to pay more money, they have ripped me of $2000, i promised i was going to expose them. I figured it all out when my colleague took me to Pavel ( or Telegram +31684518136. He did perfect job, he hacks all accounts ranging from (Emails, Facebook, whatsapp, imo, skype, instagram, Phone cloning, DMV removal, tracking locations, background checks Kik etc. he also hacks cell phones, cell phone tapping and cloning, clears bad driving and criminal records, bank transfers, locates missing individuals e.t.c. You should contact him and please stop using contacts you see on websites to execute jobs for you, you can ask around to find a real hacker.

Gael Lovell
Gael Lovell

June 01, 2023

Since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009, the market of cryptocurrencies has grown beyond the initial expectations, as witnessed by the thousands of tokenised assets available on the market, whose daily trades exceed dozens of USD billions. The pseudonymity features of cryptocurrencies have attracted the attention of cybercriminals, who exploit them to carry out potentially untraceable scams. The wide range of cryptocurrency-based scams observed over the last ten years has fostered the study on their effects, and the development of techniques to counter them. Among the outstanding techniques is to actually capture scammers and retrieve funds with the help of white hat hackers, CyberPunk Programmers to be precise. They have featured in over 100 articles in the dark web community for their outstanding work. You will not find this information easily, go to punkerscyberorg and view their portfolio as well as contact information. WhatsApp +44 7848 161773 or email cyberpunk @ programmer . net

Winola Hoffmann
Winola Hoffmann

June 01, 2023

Incase you are in need of good and reliable hacking services such as cryptocurrency recovery,spouses cell phone hack, email hack, bank account hacks, upgrand of credit scaores and others, MYSTERIOUS HACKER is best at that. I decided to hire him after a long history of disappointments from other hackers, MYSTERIOUS HACKER is the only hacker who can render services to you without any upfront payment, you can contact him and get yours done. Contact on email

Dalores Hampton
Dalores Hampton

May 31, 2023

Me knowing about bitcoin trading was through a colleague at work who has been trading for over 2 months now with a particular platform “ FXpiptrade” , she has been earning on a weekly basis , she showed me her withdrawal proofs from the company and that erased all doubts I had about the platform . The upper week after I was introduced to the platform, I opened a trading account with them and funded with total of $73,000 for a start up and see how it goes , the time frame given before one could withdraw from their account was 2 weeks , I wasn’t bothered at all because I thought everything was transparent but it turned sideways instead .the website wasn’t responsive for over a week or two after the first trade has been concluded , later on I got a email from them stating that the website is under maintenance and each trading partner was to pay a certain maintenance fee which I paid without arguing with them but still yet nothing good came out of it .they kept on coming up with different stories just to extort me the more but I had to look a solution out of the mess I got myself into before it’s too late , I complained to my colleague about my experience with the platform and it turned out that he was having same withdrawal issue but she later resolved the issue after working with “ V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ GMAIL . COM “ These team of great hackers were so good , they also helped me trace my funds back to the original wallets I made payments to and this scammers turned out to be in Africa all this time . I’m glad I have finally gotten my money back from them . I urge anyone who’s looking forward to recovering their lost funds to contact @ Virtualhacknet on telegram . Be rest assured that you are getting back your funds in full after due processes have been met .

May 31, 2023


hello everyone are really the best hackers in the world , they did hack for me and it was successful , i just received $6,000 on PayPal , am forever grateful

May 31, 2023


hello everyone are really the best hackers in the world , they did hack for me and it was successful , i just received $6,000 on PayPal , am forever grateful

May 31, 2023


hello everyone are really the best hackers in the world , they did hack for me and it was successful , i just received $6,000 on PayPal , am forever grateful
Louisena Shelley
Louisena Shelley

May 31, 2023

I almost gave up and abandoned all chances of regaining my lost Bitcoin. I invested a total of 45,050 USD worth of Bitcoin with an online company that does trading and was guaranteed a payout of 50% a week. Having been scammed a couple of times before by fake hackers, I was fortunate to read a recommendation about Recovery Nerd as the best and genuine experts, who would help anyone with lost Bitcoin in getting their funds back. I finally got in touch with him and he happens to be on top of my list. I must say it was an amazing feeling to work with a more professional and efficient hacker like him, although I had to sacrifice my 15% to him for the service well done. I advise you to reach out to him as soon as possible for his excellent services. Their contacts are:

Brad Danielle
Brad Danielle

May 30, 2023

I’m writing to share an unpleasant experience, so that you can be aware if something similar happens to you. Recently, my mother lost a substantial amount of money after being scammed on Facebook, as someone had pretended to be one of her Facebook friends and defrauded her.

I was desperate to help, so I looked on Google for possible solutions. To my relief, I found numerous good reviews of a company called Spyware Cyber. I took a chance, and they were able to help my mother retrieve her $200,000.00 USD.

If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend getting in touch with them via Email: Email: / WhatsApp +19892640381

Hope this information helps.

Sienna Shaw
Sienna Shaw

May 30, 2023

I failed to make some necessary research before going into crypto trading and investment . I invested over 93,800 USD worth of bitcoin and tether with a company.I was registered under an account that i saw grow massively with him some days, I was so happy but my happiness was cut short because I found out that the company is fraudulent. I tried too make withdrawals and nothing arrived to my wallet. The company support also stopped replying to my messages also. I needed my money back at all cost, because that’s my life savings. I tried so many times to recover my stolen money and failed severally. Luckily I saw a post of someone testifying of how she recovered her lost crypto with the help of a recovery platform which is Darkrecoveryhacks i decided to follow her recommendation and i was able to recover all my lost funds, thanks to the advancements of technology these days and most importantly thanks to Darkrecoveryhacks Loosing funds in the hand of scammers can be very depressing but with the help of Darkrecoveryhacks It can be sorted out. Contact them at DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL DOT COM they are very reliable and will definitely be of help.

Corey Wiig
Corey Wiig

May 30, 2023

I invested a total of $515k on a binary option platform after several weeks i tried to make some withdrawals to my bank but the withdrawal wasn’t successful, i quickly contact the platform costumer care via email and phone number but didn’t get a response from them that was when everything started looking weird. Some weeks later I got a mail from them requesting that i should invest more money if I want to withdraw my money which i rejected, and I never heard from them again that was when I knew I’m about being screwed. i was really devastated at those moment and felt so bad that my hard earned money was gone. After some months I came across a lot of testimonies on the web on how ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM – ROOTKITS4 @ Gmail . com had helped many people recovered their stolen, scammed or duped money on bitcoin or any other form in digital currency. I contacted them and they promised to help me get my money back asked me some info about the company i invested with which I provided. The result was amazing I recovered all my Lost funds back within a space of 48 hours I was so happy as I never believe I could get my money back. Thanks to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, There are on Telegram @ ROOTKITS7

Charlotte Mason
Charlotte Mason

May 30, 2023

Have you previously subsequently fallen subject to a heist and been left unsure of what to do next? I had lost a substantial chunk of money in a phony online investment program. I invested $123,000 in bitcoins at the beginning of last month, and losing my money was the last items on my mind as I did so. In particular, I specifically want to express gratitude to Tech savvy hacker for providing assistance towards helping me acquire my missing bitcoin. Tech savvy hacker services are exceptionally productive and very competent. convey Tech savvy hacker an inquiry if you also happened to be an unfortunate victim of a bitcoin scam. Tech savvy hacker is accessible by using: WhatsApp: +1 (514) 907-1514 & email:

Thank you Tech Savvy Hacker for your time and effort.

Corey Wiig
Corey Wiig

May 29, 2023

I invested a total of $515k on a binary option platform after several weeks i tried to make some withdrawals to my bank but the withdrawal wasn’t successful, i quickly contact the platform costumer care via email and phone number but didn’t get a response from them that was when everything started looking weird. Some weeks later I got a mail from them requesting that i should invest more money if I want to withdraw my money which i rejected, and I never heard from them again that was when I knew I’m about being screwed. i was really devastated at those moment and felt so bad that my hard earned money was gone. After some months I came across a lot of testimonies on the web on how ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM – ROOTKITS4 @ Gmail . com had helped many people recovered their stolen, scammed or duped money on bitcoin or any other form in digital currency. I contacted them and they promised to help me get my money back asked me some info about the company i invested with which I provided. The result was amazing I recovered all my Lost funds back within a space of 48 hours I was so happy as I never believe I could get my money back. Thanks to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, There are on Telegram @ ROOTKITS7

Gordon Nancy
Gordon Nancy

May 29, 2023

Wizard web recovery can be very trusted when it comes to recovering your cryptocurrency either if you were involved in a cryptocurrency heist or if you have sent your cryptocurrency to an entirely wrong wallet. Wizard Web recovery has proven to me to be the ONLY reliable source for A recovery. I got into a cryptocurrency investment setback where I invested over $443,000 of which I couldn’t gain access after some weeks of dealing with these so-called crypto investment forums. This was unfortunate because every hacker I sought for help always had another way of extorting my money without any positive feedback. Heavens so kind, I came in direct contact with Wizard Web recovery through a referral and that was how my cryptocurrency was restored back into my wallet. I should and have to say and put this review out here for others to be enlightened that Wizard web recovery is experienced, well-equipped, and ready to assist anyone in a difficult situation like this.

I have for you below the direct information to Wizard web recovery.
( – (+1 (917) 725-3296)

I am indeed very thankful,

Sulivan Berch
Sulivan Berch

May 28, 2023

I’m blessed, regardless of what I went through in the hands of these scammers in the past few months , I was looking for a way to earn digitally and unfortunately I ended up with a fake crypto trading platform ,we started off right at first and everything was moving well on both sides , I was able to take out few profits that I’ve made with them in the first 2 weeks of trading , that made me believe that they were legit , after then I tossed in more funds into my trading account , this time it was nothing compared to my very first investment with them because I thought they were legit since I got back my profits from the initial investment made , but it never occurred to me that it was all a stunt to make me invest more and I fell for their petty trick , it got to a point where I will take out my profit as usual but this time I couldn’t withdraw and at that point I realised that this was all fake , their support team was just asking me to pay a certain fee for me to be able to withdraw from my own account that I created myself , I ignored them all and then involved my legal team to see if anything could be done about the issue . after reviewing all the details I provided , my lawyer advised that the best thing to do at that point was to work with a private recovery firm ,he then referred me to V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G MA IL . COM , whom he had worked with on several cases just like mine, upon reaching out to him and providing all required details , it took him none less than 72 hours to trace and recover back all my investments ,it seemed like voodoo to me but “NO” its all about working with experts . They could help with yours if you are willing to give them a chance too . Here’s their telegram ID : @ Virtualhacknet .

Anja Olsson
Anja Olsson

May 28, 2023

I will forever be indebted to the great Dr SHANKIKI for fixing my broken marriage after my wife left me for his mistress for 6 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to him. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lots about false spell casters but I put my doubts behind me for i was desperate to get my wife back and I did according to what he instructed me to do. Now my wife is back just within 48 hours of contacting him. I’m living happily with my wife ones again after 6 months of divorce and I will not rest till he’s known all over the world. He’s also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, win court case, black magic,sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected with Dr SHANKIKI now, Email: OR
WhatsApp: ‪+254753944371

Anja Olsson
Anja Olsson

May 28, 2023

I will forever be indebted to the great Dr SHANKIKI for fixing my broken marriage after my wife left me for his mistress for 6 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to him. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lots about false spell casters but I put my doubts behind me for i was desperate to get my wife back and I did according to what he instructed me to do. Now my wife is back just within 48 hours of contacting him. I’m living happily with my wife ones again after 6 months of divorce and I will not rest till he’s known all over the world. He’s also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, win court case, black magic,sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected with Dr SHANKIKI now, Email: OR
WhatsApp: ‪+254753944371

Armando Marchionne
Armando Marchionne

May 28, 2023

I LOST EVERYTHING!, It looked like the end of the line for me…actually it was end of the line for me and no help was forthcoming , I was dyeing silently embarrassed to talk to anyone about what happened to me .I invested and even took loan that amounted to a total of $1.11M American, I was lured and deceived into investing so much with promises of high ROI and all that was also a big scam just like their company , in fact it was a well orchestrated Ponzi scheme devised for the innocent ones like you and I to fall prey too and loose millions to. I was pained and nearly lost my house to this scam company , my health started deteriorating , at this time I had to help myself or loose my mind or maybe my whole life to this scam . A colleague at work who mined bitcoin got me talking with a tech company “VALOR HACK” I didn’t know what to expect but I’m here making this review that “VALOR HACK” SAVED ME !!! Not only did I recover all I lost, the scam company was taken down to end this chain of heartbreak . Contact them now!

EMAIL: valorhaq@gmail . Com

Currently news is that there is heavy traffic on telegram for fast replies send an email now !

Keith Tyrone
Keith Tyrone

May 27, 2023


I am Keith Tyrone a sweden born programmer living in Phoenix.After mining 100 btc worthing to $2.6M early 2021, I decided to sell of my old laptop and had to save all the wallets private keys passwords to a small hard drive known as Iron keys.Unluckily the drive got lost.I tried several times to enter the password with no luck.I had to look for a hackers help to revive back my wallet.That’s when I came across Recovery Masters,modernized experts in crypto Recovery.After a serious conversation with them my wallet was retrieved back with all my funds intact.I Must recommend them for the good and reliable services.

Learn more
Mail Info;

Keith Tyrone
Keith Tyrone

May 27, 2023


I am Keith Tyrone a sweden born programmer living in Phoenix.After mining 100 btc worthing to $2.6M early 2021, I decided to sell of my old laptop and had to save all the wallets private keys passwords to a small hard drive known as Iron keys.Unluckily the drive got lost.I tried several times to enter the password with no luck.I had to look for a hackers help to revive back my wallet.That’s when I came across Recovery Masters,modernized experts in crypto Recovery.After a serious conversation with them my wallet was retrieved back with all my funds intact.I Must recommend them for the good and reliable services.

Learn more
Mail Info;

Ellis Smith
Ellis Smith

May 27, 2023

A grateful soul i am till today because last year I lost access to my crypto wallet. the wallet had my crypto which worth over 575,000 USD . I started looking for a solution and I came across DARKRECOVERYHACKS , who can recover lost funds as he also specializes in bitcoin wallet recovery tools and high power efficiency on crypto. in every case, having experts like him working with you is a key to recovery and investment of your coins. It was very beneficial for me because he helped me recover my crypto and can also fix your stolen crypto. He makes use of modern block chain forensic tools to map the activity of scammers who rips wallet through email or investment . I’m recommending him because the most secure and reliable crypto recovery service I have come across . He’s an expert in tracking stolen crypto funds & more than capable of solving many common problems concerning different platforms. Their contacts are

Nadia Rostova
Nadia Rostova

May 27, 2023

From the very start I never wanted to get involved with crypto but my younger brother “Ravi “ insisted we should give it a try , and upon doing that it turned out very bad that we lost nearly all of our inheritance , these companies will offer you a great deal at first but once you’re in they’d flip/ignore the initial signed agreement . We were paid out twice after we started and never received a dime again after investing big this time , We tried working with a few hackers after that to see if any could be of help in retrieving our investment back but none of them were able to get the job done after spending a whole lot in the process , we never gave up regardless of our previous encounters with both the hackers/fake platform . Our relentlessness finally paid off and we finally came across a legit/trusted asset recovery team on telegram @ Virtualhacknet , this team of great hackers is indeed very good at what they do , they left us both speechless after the recovery . They later provided us with a legit platform which we continued to trade with , it’s been over 6 months now and we’ve never had issues with our withdrawals. Contact them via this email V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G MAI L dot COm if you ever need their services , I guess we should all look out for each other because this whole crypto scam is causing menace to our society these days .

Muskan Dlamini
Muskan Dlamini

May 27, 2023

The Comment sections here reminds me of a Hacker who i equally met through the review of friends when i was at the edge of losing my funds, it happen that Mrs Theresa Michelle on Linkedln whom i got texting with earlier this year prolly mislead me into investing in an online digital cryptocurrency company that offers investors great profit in return. my first investment seems to be successful but after that i invested more money then after awhile when it was time for me to take my profits as well reinvest as usual the company system suddenly deactivate me from making withdrawals, i contacted Mrs Theresa but she asked me to invest more funds which isn’t normal, i tried to contact the customer care system for help they rather ask that i deposit an extra $35k usd for maintenance fee after i already have a total of $171k usd on hold, the whole situation got me really depressed and mad at a point that was when i got into looking out for a hacker who could be of help Luckily enough i came across R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , i first texted him on his Telegram account @ ROOTKITS7 He replied and i explained the whole scenario to him and he assured me to be of help, i trusted him and we got going after some time he asked for wallet for transfer of my funds i couldn’t still believe everything not until i saw my funds back in my wallet. i thanked him enough for being such a savior as well paid him off as we agreed even with more


May 26, 2023


I bought six Bitcoins in 2013, when they cost about $80 (£60) each, and were the chatter of niche corners of the internet. I used to listen to a radio talk show and they started talking about crypto and Bitcoin so I got interested, So back then buying it was so complicated but I fumbled my way through the process and bought my coins.
I lives in the US state of Illinois, spent some of my digital money over the next year or so, then forgot about it. But when I saw headlines late in 2017 announcing that the value of Bitcoin had risen to nearly $20,000 i excitedly went to my computer to log in and cash out.
It was awful
Except there was a problem. I was missing some of the login details for my Bitcoin wallet a computer program or device that stores a set of secret numbers, or private keys.
I realised then that my printout had missed some digits on the end of my wallet identifier. I had a piece of paper with my password but no idea what my wallet ID was, It was awful. I tried everything for months but it was hopeless. So I kind of gave up.
Fast forward to last spring and the value of Bitcoin soared above $50,000 – more than 600 times what I had paid eight years earlier.
Filled with a renewed determination to find my coins, I hit the internet and came across Mr Willam-Marcado ( crypto hunters
After talking to the guy online for a while I trusted him enough to hand over all the details I could remember. Then I waited, Eventually everything happened. He opened the wallet and there it was,Tree-and-a-half Bitcoin was at that point worth $175,000. I just felt so relieved!
If you believe you have encountered a security issue, it’s recommended to seek assistance from legitimate cybersecurity professionals Engaging with ethical hackers who adhere to legal and ethical guidelines can help address security concerns in a responsible and lawful manner.

Recovery Intel
Recovery Intel

May 25, 2023


ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
asorehackcorp @ gmail com

Stay Safe out there !

Steve Markson
Steve Markson

May 25, 2023

My first experience with a fake online investment company where i invested the total amount of $170k worth of BTC, in order to be in the company monthly payroll and make some interest, little did i know that i was dealing with a fraudulent company, when it was time for me to make withdrawal i was being restricted from doing so even when i can still read my money from dashboard, i got really depressed about this I almost gave up on life cause I felt it is over i was dying inside till I eventually opened up to a friend who referred me to a hacker who he claimed was able to recover my lost money, at first I was skeptical about it cause we all know once you give out your seed phrase out nothing can be done to recover your money…well after several days of debating within myself I decided to give it a try and to my greatest surprise he was able to recover my money within three days.
I was so happy, thank you so much Jake, it will be selfish of me if I don’t refer this hacker to you.. contact him R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M or via telegram; ROOTKITS7

Peter Filipp
Peter Filipp

May 24, 2023

In the last month to six weeks, I had lost around $230,000 worth of Bitcoins to a fake forex trader, hoping I would earn huge from my investment. This was going on for 6 weeks until I ran out of funds, the forex trader wouldn’t allow me to withdraw my profits or my initial investment. Luckily for me, my friend told me about Cryptocurrency scans and the services of AstraWeb, who I contacted immediately to help me retrieve my stolen coins. It took AstraWeb 72 hours to get my funds back and I’m grateful for their service. They are truly an amazing company with ethical standards and professionalism. You can trust them to help you recover your funds.


Thank you for your time.

George Carl
George Carl

May 24, 2023



, here is the opportunity of life time earning, earn $10,000 daily with a reliable and legit source Get the blank ATM card /PAYPAL HACKL TRANSFER.. if you are interested today contact for more info on how to start. THEY ARE REAL!!

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